The SAF Observatory ranks a total of 77 airlines and airline groups from 0 to 100.
The SAF Observatory ranks a total of 77 airlines and airline groups from 0 to 100 based on the following indicators: advanced and waste bio-SAF and e-kerosene shares in 2030 and 2035 as well as the expected emissions reductions from SAF from 2020 to 2035 derived from T&E’s Roadmap on climate neutral aviation in Europe.
Please consult the score indicator graph for a detailed breakdown of how scores were attributed.
No airline ranks in category A, highlighting how much progress airlines still need to make.
Based on the score achieved, airlines and airlines groups were divided into four ranking categories: D (0 - 24 points), C (25 - 49 points), B (50 - 74 points) and A (75 - 100 points).
No airline ranks in category A, highlighting how much progress airlines still need to make.
Air France-KLM Group leads the ranking with 61 points (category B), due to its emissions reductions thanks to large purchases of SAF (advanced biofuels and waste oils) and its signatures of MoUs for e-kerosene.
The second place in the ranking is secured by United Airlines with 46 points (category C) because of its diversified investments in e-kerosene and in advanced biofuels but penalised by its use of crop-based fuels. Completing the podium is Norwegian with 39 points thanks to its e-kerosene investment and consequent offtake agreement.
Among the other airlines ranked in the first ten spots, International Airlines Group (IAG), Air Transat, JetBlue and DHL Group stand out for their e-kerosene agreements.
With only one airline in category B (50-74) and nine airlines ranking in category C (25-49), the majority (67 out of 77, or 87%) scores less than 25 points falling into category D (0-24). Moreover, almost half of the airlines score 0.
Not only are airlines doing too little when it comes to SAF, but many of them are not doing anything, raising serious questions about their ability to address their climate impacts.