Study assessing the state of onshore power supply in seven major UK ports
T&E’s reaction to the Climate Change Committee’s 7th Carbon Budget, which recommends that the UK Emissions Trading Scheme be extended to international...
Shipping emissions charge would raise £1bn a year for UK government
Extending the UK carbon market to ships entering and leaving the UK would raise significant amounts of money that could cover public services or green...
Policies to raise revenue and invest in green tech
The new government can address transport emissions and encourage growth
Current plans exclude 90% of UK shipping emissions
Cohort calls for all domestic emissions and 50% of international emissions to be included in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme
Top policies to stimulate UK green investment and cut transport emissions.
A handbook for the decisions needed in this Parliament to tackle emissions and seize the economic benefits of decarbonisation
For the next Government, the need to tackle climate change is more pressing than ever and transport is the highest-emitting sector
Milford Haven, Southampton and Immingham top three lists for emissions of harmful sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and fine particulate mat...
Milford Haven, Southampton and Immingham top three lists for emissions of harmful sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and fine particulate mat...
The UK shipping sector urgently needs a policy framework to decarbonise for Net Zero, but indications are that the refreshed Clean Maritime Plan will ...