T&E supports the Commission’s initiative to develop a carbon pricing scheme for the maritime sector as it sends a clear signal to the market that polluters need to pay.
Crucially, the maritime ETS will raise revenues that will be essential for deploying sustainable zero-carbon technologies and fuels in shipping. As global shipping will require between $70-90 billion in annual investments over the next 20 years to fully decarbonise by 2050, a dedicated support scheme for the maritime sector should be set up. This T&E briefing outlines how this can be done.
T&E reaction to EU Clean Industrial Deal, Action Plan for Affordable Energy, and Omnibus proposal.
Why the IMO’s Global Fuel Standard risks incentivising the worst biofuels
Plans being drafted at the IMO risk creating a huge new market for deforestation-driving biofuels like palm and soy, while also putting pressure on ve...