A study by the respected Öko-Institut in Germany says Europe needs to slash its transport emissions by 94% by 2050. That's what it takes to avoid catastrophic 2 degree warming. Meanwhile, EU governments – particularly Italy and Poland – are trying to destroy the already inadequate target of -30% by 2030.
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Currently European governments and the European Parliament are discussing their position on the largest climate tool, the so called Effort Sharing Regulation. It sets targets for transport, buildings, agriculture and other sectors by 2030. Some countries are defending positions that would reduce the ambition of the tool by half. In T&E we commissioned a study to know what target these sectors should have by 2050 to keep global warming below 2ºC. The results of the study, that shows that the EU should reduce -95% the emissions of these sectors by the middle of the century, makes clear that European governments should not try to destroy the existing Commission’s proposal for the Effort Sharing. Countries should find the way to share the burden while preserving the level of ambition.
T&E's annual overview of key transport trends, challenges and achievements
European transport is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels, but electric vehicles are on the charge as the EU’s green policies start to bite. Powerin...
State of European Transport report shows that transport emissions are starting to fall as the EV market grows, but carbon savings are being undermined...
T&E reaction to EU Clean Industrial Deal, Action Plan for Affordable Energy, and Omnibus proposal.