
Analysis of estimated index values of ships that have entered the fleet since 2009

May 5, 2015

There is little publicly available information on how the design efficiency of ships that have entered the fleet since 2009 has developed. The IMO has published the energy efficiency design index (EEDI) of a limited number of ships launched since 2012, but the sample of ships is small and the time period limited. The published data show clearly, however, that estimated index values (EIV) and EEDIs of ships are well correlated.

This study analyses the EIV of over 9,000 new ships that have entered the fleet between January 2009 and July 2014. It shows many ships have an EIV 10% or more below the reference line. Taking into account that the EIV is an overestimation of the EEDI, this result suggests many ships already exceed the EEDI required from 2015.

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