
From the Green Deal to the Clean Industrial Deal

February 18 2025, 3:00 PM - 5:15 PM CET


High-level policymakers and industry leaders from all across the e-SAF value chain join for an afternoon of impactful discussions on the challenges hampering the uptake of e-kerosene and how to address them, in the context of the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal and Sustainable Transport Investment Plan.


15:00 – 15:10: Welcome and introduction - Jo Dardenne, Aviation Director, T&E

15:10 – 15:20: Introductory remarks - Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism

15:20 - 15:30: Keynote speech - by a Member of the European Parliament (tbc)

15:30 – 15:40: Presentation: The case for EU policy support to accelerate the e-SAF industry - Project SkyPower

After launching its insights report last year, Project SkyPower unveiled a 10-point action plan to fast-track projects to FID by late 2025. The initiative has begun working on its highest priority action points, ensuring regulatory certainty and securing public funding, with a policy position paper to be launched in February. In this presentation, the Secretariat outlines the key policy asks laid out in their position paper, and explores how enhanced support can drive the EU e-SAF market to meet 2030 ReFuelEU mandates.

15:40 – 17:00: Panel discussion and Q&A - "Clearing the Skies: Overcoming barriers to the e-SAF market under the Clean Industrial Deal"

The panel delves into the challenges faced by e-kerosene project developers and what it takes to tackle them. Can we build on existing support schemes like the Innovation Fund and the ETS SAF allowances? Could new instruments be developed under the Clean Industrial Deal and the Sustainable Transport Investment Plan?

  • Eddy Liegeois, Head of Unit Aviation Policy, DG MOVE, European Commission
  • Ourania Georgoutsakou, Managing Director, Airlines 4 Europe 
  • Cathryn Estes, Commercial Vice President, Arcadia eFuels
  • Alexander Kerst, Deputy head of Brussels Office, Senior manager External Affairs, bp
  • Erwin Nederkoorn, Managing Director, Global lead Energy - Hydrocarbons & New Energies, ING

17:00 – 17:15: Conclusions