The European Parliament's ITRE committee votes in favour of phasing out of the worst biofuels and support for more sustainable alternatives. But there is not enough action to stop burning food for fuel with the plenary vote to come in September
The Environment Committee (ENVI) of the European Parliament (EP) adopted their report on the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) on 17 May where they sent a clear signal to choose food over fuel in times of a global food crisis. The RED now moved to the main committee in charge of its revision in the EP, the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) that voted on their report on 13 July. T&E compares the results of the two reports and look at the broader implications of the ITRE vote for the further negotiations on the RED.
‘Hydrogen’s moment is here at last’ proclaimed the Economist back in 2021. Today, the bubble has burst.
24 non-profit organizations, including T&E, WWF, Oxfam, and Birdlife, call on the European Commission to choose climate, nature, and people over free ...