EU member states must implement the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) by June 2021. The implementation offers an important opportunity to shift national policies away from an exclusive reliance on crop-based biofuels (especially palm oil) to a broader range of cleaner, advanced fuels.
For T&E, the renewable electricity charged into electric vehicles must play a central role in meeting national targets for renewable transport fuels. How? The examples of California and the Netherlands show that a credit mechanism for renewable electricity in transport is a necessary tool to make this happen.
T&E commissioned a study on the French fiscal framework (Taxe Incitative Relative à l’Incorporation de Biocarburants or TIRIB for short). The report by Colombus Consulting is entitled «Valoriser l’électricité renouvelable pour la recharge des VE dans la TIRIB pour atteindre les objectifs de la RED II ». The report explains how the amendments to the TIRIB can enable fuel suppliers to meet their targets for renewable transport fuels by not only blending biofuels, but also with renewable electricity charged in Electric Vehicles. The French government is currently exploring how the TIRIB can evolve towards a credit mechanism, with more compliance options for fuel suppliers. A second study by Colombus, also available below, addresses in more detail the implementation. Another study by Frontier Economics analyses the potential for a credit system for renewable electricity in the transport sector in Spain.
‘Hydrogen’s moment is here at last’ proclaimed the Economist back in 2021. Today, the bubble has burst.
24 non-profit organizations, including T&E, WWF, Oxfam, and Birdlife, call on the European Commission to choose climate, nature, and people over free ...