Poland has to reduce its non-ETS greenhouse gas emissions by 7% in 2030, and transport is one of the highest emitters within these non-ETS sectors. As a result, and also to comply with the EU's long-term decarbonisation goals and the Paris agreement, Poland must take urgent and robust action to reduce the emissions in transport. In this report for the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), T&E analyses and proposes a series of key actions that Poland should undertake to significantly cut transport greenhouse gas emissions.
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T&E has analysed the political environment in Poland, the historical climate performance of the country, and the measures taken so far. The actions proposed by T&E include EU measures, national policies and local initiatives that, together, will help put Poland on track to achieve its climate goals.
In an open letter addressed to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, 26 NGOs active at EU level - including T&E - emphasise the role of civil soc...
T&E's paper on how to harmonise EU regulations to accelerate transport decarbonisation.