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IMO and‭ sustainable‬‭ fuels criteria‬

Alternative‬‭ marine‬‭ fuels‬‭ come‬‭ with‬‭ different‬‭ well-to-wake‬‭ (WtW)‬‭ GHG‬‭ footprint.‬‭ Currently‬‭ there‬ ‭ are‬‭ no‬‭ fuels‬‭ in‬‭ produc...


The majority of shipping emissions would be unpriced without global carbon levy - analysis


T&E’s alternative Mission letter to candidate Commissioner Tzitzikostas


What Draghi didn’t say

How to do industrial strategy when your own industry is sabotaging it?


Hungarian presidency seeks to exempt planes and ships from fuel tax for 20 years - T&E reaction

The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...

Press Release

Biggest cruise ships today are more than twice as big as they were in 2000

The number and size of cruise ships globally have doubled since the start of the millennium, T&E’s new ‘Cruisezilla’ report reveals


'Cruisezillas': How much bigger can cruise ships get?

Cruise ships are getting larger and more numerous. This is a problem for the environment

Press Release

Newly elected Von der Leyen’s big challenge: turning the Green Deal into Europe’s industrial and social deal

T&E's reaction to Ursula von de Leyen’s election as European Commission president for a second five-year term


Making the EU single market work for the Green Deal

T&E's paper on how to harmonise EU regulations to accelerate transport decarbonisation.

Press Release

Two-thirds of European green shipping fuel projects at risk - analysis

4% of European shipping could run on e-fuels by 2030, according to mapping done by T&E. But just a third of these projects are guaranteed as fuel supp...

shipping containers and co2 emissions

E-Fuels observatory for shipping

An overview of clean fuels projects and their supply potential to meet the needs of the European maritime industry


Double or quits for climate president Von der Leyen