
Which renewable transport fuels deliver substantial carbon reductions?

September 22, 2020

The European Commission is devising a methodology to assess which renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) deliver substantial carbon reductions. Here's T&E's views on the methodology.

RFNBOs are fuels made from renewable sources other than biomass. These renewable sources refer mostly to renewable electricity produced with wind and solar power. Electrofuels such as hydrogen, ammonia and synthetic hydrocarbons like e-kerosene are examples of such RFNBOs.

T&E’s key positions are the following:

  • Only truly additional renewable electricity sources should be considered as zero emission inputs in the production process of RFNBOs.
  • Direct Air Capture of CO2 is the only source of carbon that is fully compatible with a fully decarbonised energy system. This is why investments in fossil carbon from industrial point sources needs to be phased out by 2025.

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