Electric vehicles are becoming more and more competitive, mainly because battery prices have fallen 65% since 2010 and are forecasted to fall to $230 per kWh in 2017-2018. Batteries are also becoming more powerful as they gain in energy density. Moreover, these improvements were recently reinforced by other significant developments: the unveiling by Tesla of its Model 3 is making high-spec electric cars more accessible; and the Netherlands, Norway and Germany’s public support for the rollout of electric vehicles.
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So we are on the right path, yes, but there is still a long way to go, especially in Europe. In China 52,000 electric cars were sold during the first two months of 2016 as part of a comprehensive policy push for electro-mobility. But Europeans only bought 59,000 EVs in the whole of 2015. A stronger Europe-wide push for electric vehicles is therefore essential to create scale and a single market. It would also achieve CO2 reductions in the transport sector and reduce air pollution in cities. It is even more important as the oil and fuel lobby has joined up to prevent market roll-out of electric vehicles.
As a result, Transport & Environment, together with 20 other organisations, has decided to set up the Platform for Electro-Mobility. Officially launched in April, this alliance of organisations from across industries and transport modes represents producers, infrastructure managers, operators and users of transport as well as cities and civil society. It shares a vision of electro-mobility for surface transport delivered through multiple modes including electric bikes, cars and vans, trucks, buses, rail and other public transport.
To accelerate this transition towards more electro-mobility, the platform:
provides a forum in which diverse, like-minded organisations effectively collaborate to develop the market for electro-mobility
collectively inputs to EU policy-making processes and other relevant forums
develops practical and policy solutions addressing barriers and developing solutions which accelerate electro-mobility
actively promotes electro-mobility to key decision-makers and influencers in EU institutions and member states.
Membership of the platform is open to any company or organisation (or, exceptionally, individuals) working within the EU seeking to accelerate the electrification of transport. If you are interested in joining the Platform for Electro-Mobility, we invite you to visit this page and get in contact.
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