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Batteries, Cars, Climate Instruments, Energy, Planes, Rail, Ships, Sustainable Finance, Trucks, Vans

Making the EU single market work for the Green Deal

T&E's paper on how to harmonise EU regulations to accelerate transport decarbonisation.


Electric vans cheaper overall than diesel, study finds

Total cost of average e-van is already 25% cheaper per km while a new poll shows most van buyers want to go electric.


E-vans: Cheaper, greener, and in demand

A new T&E study shows why it’s time for the EU to ramp up the supply of electric vans.


Elektryczne samochody dostawcze tańsze niż diesle

Przeciętny elektryczny samochód dostawczy już teraz jest o 25% tańszy w przeliczeniu na km, a badanie ankietowe dowodzi, że większość kupujących samoc...


Tighter van CO2 limits needed to drive electrification, says coalition of cities, companies, health groups and NGOs

As currently drafted, the EU’s proposed targets don't require manufacturers to increase their sales of electric vans above a tiny share.


‘Increase the ambition of the EU’s proposed van CO2 targets’

A coalition of cities, hauliers, companies and civil society call for decision-makers to increase the CO2 reduction targets for vans.

Cars, Trucks, Vans

Polish market for EVs is quickly catching up with the rest of Europe

Under the radar, Poland's market for EVs is quickly catching up with the rest of Europe. Here's what you missed


Higher van CO2 reduction targets needed to deliver e-vans in the 2020s

T&E recommendations to revise the EU van CO₂ standards

Cars, Trucks, Vans

Pledge to end car emissions needs to be backed by actual targets

Commitments at the COP climate conference won’t materialise without actual targets set down in law, T&E says.


What the EU climate plan means for vans

Vans are the EU’s fastest growing source of road transport emissions, but unlike cars the EU's van CO2 standards are so weak some vanmakers can meet t...

Cars, Vans

Credit where credit is due: Properly valuing renewable electricity as transport fuel in RED III

In this letter to the European Commission, T&E, the association for e-mobility Avere, infrastructure association Charge Up Europe, and SolarPower Euro...


EU-Zielvorgaben für Lieferwagen sind zu schwach, um die am schnellsten steigenden Transportemissionen in Deutschland zu bremsen

Wie eine kürzlich veröffentlichte Studie zeigt, sind die Emissionen neuer Lieferwagen aufgrund schwacher CO2-Zielvorgaben seit drei Jahren nicht gesun...