Climate Instruments

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Batteries, Cars, Climate Instruments, Energy, Planes, Rail, Ships, Sustainable Finance, Trucks, Vans

Making the EU single market work for the Green Deal

T&E's paper on how to harmonise EU regulations to accelerate transport decarbonisation.

Climate Instruments

12 countries fail to meet 2030 climate targets

12 EU countries will fail to comply with 2030 national climate targets, new study

Germany and Italy are currently on course to miss targets by such a large gap that they would eat up all available surplus left for other countries. B...

Climate Instruments

National climate targets off track

National climate targets off track

Six years left to course correct and avoid penalties

Climate Instruments, Cars, Planes, Ships

EU sets historic target to reduce emissions by 2040 but transport sector puts target at risk

New 90% target gives European carmakers, airlines and shipping companies the investment certainty that clean technology is here to stay, whilst Europe...

Climate Instruments

Fossil fuel phase out date needed in Europe in 2040 target, NGOs ask

Coal should be phased out no later than 2030, fossil gas no later than 2035 and oil at the latest by 2040

T&E - Ufficio Italiano
Climate Instruments

Italy’s new Energy and Climate Plan: facts, figures and recommendations for transport

The updated NECP reveals insufficient emissions reductions, inefficient energy choices, a green investment gap, and a flawed governance.

T&E en España
Climate Instruments

Spain’s new Energy and Climate Plan: facts, figures and recommendations for transport

Spainʼs NECP would deliver strong emissions reductions in 2030 outperforming its national climate target set under EU law.

Ships, Energy, Climate Instruments, Cars, Planes

EU elections 2024: full speed or full stop?

10 proposals to put European transport on track towards a safe, prosperous and climate neutral future

Climate Instruments

How to improve the climate and energy governance rules

The governance framework and rules adopted in 2018 have become outdated as since then the EU has collectively committed to achieve climate neutrality ...

Climate Instruments

Why we need a 2040 climate target

Has the adoption of a EU 2040 climate target fallen in the hands of procrastinators?

Climate Instruments

Setting 2040 climate ambition

A landing zone with ambitious transport policies for the EU

Climate Instruments

NECPs are ugly ducklings with potential to become swans

Why is the EU's latest unpronounceable acronym so important?