T&E reaction to EU Clean Industrial Deal, Action Plan for Affordable Energy, and Omnibus proposal.
In an open letter addressed to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, 26 NGOs active at EU level - including T&E - emphasise the role of civil soc...
T&E's paper on how to harmonise EU regulations to accelerate transport decarbonisation.
12 countries fail to meet 2030 climate targets
Germany and Italy are currently on course to miss targets by such a large gap that they would eat up all available surplus left for other countries. B...
National climate targets off track
Six years left to course correct and avoid penalties
New 90% target gives European carmakers, airlines and shipping companies the investment certainty that clean technology is here to stay, whilst Europe...
Coal should be phased out no later than 2030, fossil gas no later than 2035 and oil at the latest by 2040
The updated NECP reveals insufficient emissions reductions, inefficient energy choices, a green investment gap, and a flawed governance.
Spainʼs NECP would deliver strong emissions reductions in 2030 outperforming its national climate target set under EU law.
10 proposals to put European transport on track towards a safe, prosperous and climate neutral future
The governance framework and rules adopted in 2018 have become outdated as since then the EU has collectively committed to achieve climate neutrality ...