
Third time lucky? RED III trilogue another opportunity to move beyond unsustainable fuels

October 20, 2022

T&E recommendations for RED III trilogue process

The RED trilogue process is another opportunity to accelerate the move away from burning crop biofuels for energy in transport and prioritize the use of genuinely renewable fuels for the long-term decarbonisation of transport – renewable electricity, renewable hydrogen and e-fuels.

In light of this, this T&E briefing outlines the following key priorities for the trilogue negotiations:

  • A lower target for renewables in transport, to avoid incentivising the use of unsustainable fuels such as crop biofuels
  • Immediate phase out of palm and soy and a progressive phase out of all crop based biofuels
  • A more realistic RFNBO target for transport, targeting renewable hydrogen and efuels at aviation and at shipping in particular.
  • Swiftly organize an informed debate and present delegated acts on RFNBOs to Parliament and Council
  • Enabling renewable electricity charged by Electric Vehicles to play as big a role as possible
  • Apply the cascading principle and a realistic target to biofuels in Annex IX
  • Keep the change by the European Commission in Annex V on wastes and residues outside of Annex IX

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