On behalf of Transport & Environment, a network of around 50 organisations working towards sustainable transport across Europe, we are writing to express our views on the draft Transport White Paper.
We feel that the paper contains some good intentions, but it lacks firm commitments and also appears to postpone action until after the current Commission’s mandate. The twin challenges of climate change and oil dependence strongly call for more urgent action.
The setting of specific greenhouse gas emissions targets for transport is an absolute necessity to frame future policy development, and as such is very welcome. But we expect more details on the qualitative nature of these targets in the White Paper.
The recognition that decarbonisation is an important hedge against high oil prices, and that specific action is needed on company car taxation, speed limiters for vans and future mandatory charges for lorries is welcome.
Read the letter to discover our recommendations.
T&E reaction to EU Clean Industrial Deal, Action Plan for Affordable Energy, and Omnibus proposal.
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