Negotiations on opening up national railway networks to European competition have hit an unexpected setback. EU transport ministers registered opposition to a proposal contained in the revised EU rail package to offer ‘noise bonuses’ for quieter wagons.
[mailchimp_signup][/mailchimp_signup]The move was opposed by 11 member states who fear a loss of income from track charges. The revised package also enables lower track charges for trains emitting fewer air pollutants. T&E has argued for a ‘bonus/malus’ approach, as that will not reduce the overall income received by rail infrastructure companies.
A new study for the Transport Alliance for Clean Air assesses what interventions are required to meet EU air quality standards in 2030.
Can we get out of our mobility habits?
System thinking is badly needed in mobility policy. The Covid-pandemic – undesired and unpleasant – provided two illustrations.
From sketching a blueprint to implementing a greenprint for the EU’s economy.