In the second half of the year 2000 the EU agenda offers the French Presidency a unique opportunity to redirect EU transport policy into line with other EU policy areas.
The principles of sustainable development need to be the defining principles for Europeantransport policy. Transport policy should have as its goal the social, economic andenvironmental objectives inherent in sustainable development.
The products of the Commission work programme this year – a review of the programme implementing the Common Transport Policy, adoption of a Green Paper on urban transport,revision of the transport TEN guidelines – along with the finalisation of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) offers the French presidency an unrivalled opportunity to advance this goal.
The recently approved budget law has put into place a promising reform regarding salary cars
T&E's new director in Poland explains why a new subsidy scheme for EVs is so important for the country
T&E analyses the regulatory framework in six countries to see how to overcome obstacles to installing chargers in apartment buildings.