One wonders whether the 50,000 Europeans who die prematurely each year as a result of ship pollution would agree with industry laments on green laws for the sector.
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Left uncontrolled, by 2020 ships will pollute Europe’s air more than all other sources combined. So it is baffling that an industry relying on ‘unrefined crud, laden with sulphur and other nasties’ tries to paint itself in green colours. The fact is, cleaner shipping is the cheapest route towards cleaner air, and ship CO2 emissions and fuel use can be cut today by a third at negative cost. As for the rules’ supposed unfortunate timing – well they were agreed unanimously well before the slump. If that feels like a long time ago, that’s because it is.
T&E reaction to EU Clean Industrial Deal, Action Plan for Affordable Energy, and Omnibus proposal.
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