
Higher van CO2 reduction targets needed to deliver e-vans in the 2020s

December 2, 2021

T&E recommendations to revise the EU van CO₂ standards

Linked to the surge in home deliveries, vans are the EU’s fastest growing source of road transport emissions. Unlike for cars, the EU’s van CO₂ standards have failed to put electric vans on the market in any real numbers. Only 2% of van sales were electric in 2020, compared to 10.5% for cars (5.4% battery electric vehicle, 5.1% plug-in hybrids). The Commission’s Fit for 55 proposal that all new vans must be zero emission from 2035 is welcome. But the proposal falls short in terms of what’s needed between now and 2035. 

T&E’s paper calls on legislators to significantly raise the ambition level of the proposed targets.

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