The T&E supported Clean Cities Campaign calls on the EU to support efforts to improve air quality in cities
Many European cities are already world leaders when it comes to urban mobility. But they need the support of EU policies to scale-up these efforts and make sure that all European city dwellers can enjoy liveable and loveable cities.
The climate emergency and the latest air quality guidelines of the World Health Organization mean that we have no time to lose and must take decisive action.
Citizens of Europe have the right to clean, safe, efficient and affordable ways to get around in their cities. This will not only help curb climate change but will also benefit the health of all urbanites and will prevent over 300,000 premature deaths each year. In addition, attaining Europe’s Green Deal objectives for the transport sector in European cities could lead to net benefits of up to €177bn by 2030. A clear majority in cities demand more space and action for clean mobility: 68% want more effort by cities to promote the use of public transport, and a majority also want more space to be reserved for pedestrians (66%) and cycling (56%).
T&E’s joint letter with the Clean Cities Campaign argues that goals and ambitions need to be matched by policies.
The new alliance of companies and associations believes that more ambitious legislation on air quality is needed at EU level.
A new study for the Transport Alliance for Clean Air assesses what interventions are required to meet EU air quality standards in 2030.