To tackle high exhaust particulate emissions, the European Commission has proposed a third real-world driving emission (RDE) package to be implemented from 2018 for all new cars. But leaks of the draft regulations and minutes of meetings with member states, plus documents prepared by carmakers, show there is concerted attempt to further weaken an already inadequate proposal.
This is intended to circumvent the new test and avoid the need for carmakers to fit a simple Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) that costs just €25 and would clean up the emissions. The weaknesses in the proposal are explained in this paper along with who is lobbying to weaken the proposals and what is needed in order to avoid a future Petrolgate scandal of increasing particulate emissions.
The Commission proposal is now being finalised and is expected to be agreed by the Commission and Council by the end of 2016. The weaknesses in the proposal are explained in this paper along with who is lobbying to weaken the proposals and what is needed in order to avoid a future Petrolgate scandal of increasing particulate emissions.
T&E reaction to Automotive Plan: Positive steps on fleets, but the weakening of CO₂ targets and vague support for battery production will see Europe f...
T&E reaction to Ursula von der Leyen statement on Automotive Dialogue.
T&E president Arie Bleijenberg looks at what works when it comes to cutting pollution from cars