Earlier this year the European Commission published a communication on the security of the EU natural gas supply. The Commission is also preparing a decarbonisation of transport communication and action plan. In this context, T&E commissioned Ricardo Energy & Environment to perform a study that analyses the climate and economic impacts of a switch from oil-based fuels (for example petrol, diesel, HFO) to natural and bio-gas-based products (LNG, CNG, bio-methane).
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The purpose of the study was to assess, in a scientific and objective manner, what role natural gas and bio-methane can play in decarbonising the transport sector. Upon completion of the study, T&E published the study and accompanied it with a briefing.
In response, the Natural Gas Vehicle Association (NGVA) circulated a “statement on the T&E study on the role of natural gas and biomethane in the transport sector” to selected stakeholders and policymakers. In this statement, NGVA questions the validity of the Ricardo study (note: it is not a T&E study) and its key findings. This note responds to the main concerns raised by the NGVA.
T&E reaction to Automotive Plan: Positive steps on fleets, but the weakening of CO₂ targets and vague support for battery production will see Europe f...
T&E reaction to Ursula von der Leyen statement on Automotive Dialogue.
T&E president Arie Bleijenberg looks at what works when it comes to cutting pollution from cars