T&E prepared this paper as an input to the Commission "Communication on EU policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: towards a European Climate Change Programme"
T&E welcomes the Communication as it sees the developments of policies and measures “towards a climate change programme” as the way forward for the European climate change policy.
This approach is particularly relevant for the transport sector, which is the main and fastest growing contributor to CO2 emissions. Only concrete policies and measures, which are defined for the community as a whole but are implemented mainly at a national or local level, can help to reverse the trend in this sector.
However, when doing this, it is important to define clearly from the start which policies are of community, and which are to be co-ordinated policies of member state competence. This will help to avoid duplicating the measures, or using the community competence as an excuse for lack of action at the national level, or vice versa.
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