An institute in America has tried to calculate the monetary and time value of traffic congestion – and says it costs the USA $101 billion a year.
An institute in America has tried to calculate the monetary and time value of traffic congestion – and says it costs the USA $101 billion a year. The study by the Texan Transport Institute says the cost to the average commuter was $713 in 2010 compared with $301 in 1982 (adjusted for inflation), which led to 1,9 billion gallons of fuel being wasted, and caused 60 million Americans to suffer more than 30 hours of delay in 2010. The report’s authors say the problem will worsen when the economy recovers. Report from
Why European aviation needs to urgently address its growth problem
Europe’s aviation industry plans to double its passenger traffic by 2050 and will deplete its carbon budget as early as 2026
Calculating the price difference between eligible fuels and kerosene