
Climate rating of transport infrastructure projects

October 30, 2011

This reports presents a methodology for climate rating in the appraisal of infrastructure projects and EU funding decisions.

In its recent White Paper on Transport the Commission announced ambitious plans for building a competitive transport system. At the same time, the Commission set specific objectives for greenhouse gas reduction in transport in its Roadmap for decarbonisation, which were further elaborated in the White Paper. The climate policy set out in these papers aims at a dramatic reduction of Europe’s dependence on imported oil and a cut in carbon emissions in transport by 60% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels.

The European Commission announced that it aims at making climate rating be a part of the decision process for investments. However, the Commission has not yet decided on a methodology for climate rating.

In order to achieve this interlinking of policy objectives and to feed the Commission with further developing this issue, the European Federation for Transport & Environment (T&E), together with partners asked CE Delft to develop a methodology for climate rating, which is presented in this report.

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