The European Court of Justice (CJEU) today ruled that citizens have the right to challenge the air pollution monitoring systems in their cities and that the competent courts (in this case the Brussels court) must enforce EU rules to make sure monitoring stations are located where the highest concentrations of air pollution occur. Average values across a whole zone or city are insufficient as they may underestimate the actual exposure to polluted air.
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Jens Müller, air quality manager at Transport & Environment, said “Air pollution is an invisible killer and the biggest environmental risk to public health in Europe. The ostrich-like approach, where some authorities try to hide the real extent of pollution rather than ensure their citizens breathe clean air, must stop. It is high time for the Brussels region and local authorities across Europe to take responsibility and do everything in their power to protect citizens by monitoring and addressing air pollution.”
This ruling comes one day after France lost a landmark court case taken by a mother and her daughter to hold the French government responsible for failing to tackle air pollution.
A new study for the Transport Alliance for Clean Air assesses what interventions are required to meet EU air quality standards in 2030.
Can we get out of our mobility habits?
System thinking is badly needed in mobility policy. The Covid-pandemic – undesired and unpleasant – provided two illustrations.
From sketching a blueprint to implementing a greenprint for the EU’s economy.