
Amending the Eurovignette Directive (T&E 03/04)

December 22, 2003

Responding to concerns from all sides about the content of the European Commission's revision to the Eurovignette Directive, T&E commissioned leading economist Dr Per Kågeson to write this alternative, together with a full explanation of the reasons for the proposed changes.

In July 2003 the European Commission released its proposal for amending Directive 1999/62/EC on the charging of heavy goods vehicles, commonly referred to as the “Eurovignette Directive”. The European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E) is disappointed with the proposal as it falls short of already agreed EU objectives and principles.

T&E urges the European Parliament and the Council to substantially improve the current proposal by:

  • Allowing Member States to decide upon the use of the revenues;
  • Allowing Member States, without restrictions, to apply road tolls or user charges to the whole national road network;
  • Allowing Member States to incorporate all external costs in the charging system.

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