An overview of clean fuels projects and their supply potential to meet the needs of the European maritime industry
For the shipping industry to decarbonise in line with the EU climate goals, a switch to green fuels will be paramount. When the FuelEU Maritime Regulation comes into force in 2025, it will require ships to gradually increase the share of clean energy in operation. It is therefore important to ensure that enough green e-fuels are produced and made available for ships to bunker in European ports.
To understand the state of play, T&E’s e-Fuels Observatory surveys the state of e-fuel production in Europe for use in shipping.
Decisions at the International Maritime Organization next year will define the future of the shipping industry
Dedicating a quarter of the carbon market revenues from the shipping and aviation industries can help to bridge the price gap between fossil fuels and...
T&E calls for stricter efficiency measures to ensure ships sail slower and invest in energy saving technologies like wind